Krishna Roy 812
Magical Horses
Body of a horse and the horn in its head
The touch of its horn makes anything gold
BANG! BOOM! For this creature the world has the bread
The unicorn is magical and bold
Wings on its back and fur on its wing
Soars through the sun and prances in the moonlight
As Hercules rides on it, it goes Bling-Bling
Pegasus is the mighty Zeus’s might
Superior of all magical horse
It has both wings and unicorn Horn
Like a hurricane it has very strong force.
If you are wondering its alicorn
Watch My Little Pony you’ll find all three
Let your imagination wander freely
Poem on Bullying
Some children are just not kind
We all don’t share the same state of mind
People who pick on others
Should be nice and treat you like brothers
We should all unite as one
So point away the bully gun
Bullying is not nice or fun
You should be sweet like a honeybun
Saying bad names will put you to shame
Won’t bring any respect or any fame
People are People
Like you and me
That’s the end of this poem
So Goodbye and Peace!
By: Krishna Roy 812