Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Social Awareness Project

                                                                         Unfair Things
1          Bullying
2          Littering
3          Smoking
4         Global Warming
             Too much war
             Rise of Prices on Goods
      Corrupted Government
          Carbon Pollution
           Lack of Jobs
             School/College Admissions (it is scary)
I can still remember the time when I used to buy an Ice Cream from the Softees’ Truck for 75 cents, today the price of an ice cream bar has increased to $1.75. I am just a kid who doesn’t need to worry about earning money, yet even I notice how in the last few years the prices of things have gone through the roof.  This is especially worrisome for my parents.  Every week while doing the groceries, they complain how much more they have to pay for each item.  This would be fine if their income also went up, but in reality that doesn’t happen. Their income stays same but the expenses go up continuously.
Luckily, my dad makes enough money to barely get by, but there are many families that I know where the parents don’t have a job and it is very difficult for them to survive. I think the government should definitely take actions. The government should raise minimum wage and provide better paying jobs so people can keep up with the economic situation!  If more and more people go into poverty it will just be bad for the country. Therefore this should be the president’s first priority
                                            Poem on Bullying
Some children are just not kind
We all don’t share the same state of mind
People who pick on others
Should be nice and treat you like brothers
We should all unite as one
So point away the bully gun
Bullying is not nice or fun
You should be sweet like a honeybun
Saying bad names will put you to shame
Won’t bring any respect or any fame
People are People
Like you and me
That’s the end of this poem
So Goodbye and Peace!

By: Krishna Roy 812
In the process of making this stunningly well prepared poem, I found it difficult to figure out what rhyming words to use. Also I required some ideas and research, so I can create a somewhat fun poem. My best friend Brian and I worked on finding rhymes and poem consistency. I think this was a good experience because I talked about a serious subject in a concise and entertaining manner. I think people will not only enjoy reading it but get something out of it!
Response to Poem on Global Warming by Al Gore
One thin September soon
A floating continent disappears
In midnight sun
Vapors rise as
Fever settles on an acid sea
Neptune's bones dissolve
Snow glides from the mountain
Ice fathers floods for a season
A hard rain comes quickly
Then dirt is parched
Kindling is placed in the forest
For the lightning's celebration
Unknown creatures
Take their leave, unmourned
Horsemen ready their stirrups
Passion seeks heroes and friends
The bell of the city
On the hill is rung
The shepherd cries
The hour of choosing has arrived                                                                                                                                                            
Here are your tools
            This poem was written by former vice-president Al Gore in his book “Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis” in 2009.  It shows the dire consequences of Global Warming.  This was written three years ago, and it is unfortunate that enough actions still hasn’t been taken.  As a result, the situation has deteriorated.   Extreme weather patterns, such as longer droughts, heavier rainfall, more frequent and powerful hurricanes, record high temperatures, are all indications of a rapidly changing climate.  It is the harsh reality faced by today’s civilization.  Though there is a certain part of the population that does not believe humans are the cause of global warming, there is no denying the existence of it as we see record amount of Arctic ice sheets melting each year.  Therefore the time has come where humans need to take serious action if we are to prevent the direst outcomes of global warming.
            The fossil fuel industry likes to argue that humans are not the cause of global warming.  As cutting down on use of gasoline and coal would cut into their profits, these companies would like people to believe that this is just a natural cycle of weather patterns.  However data collected by scientists of Earth’s conditions for millions of years clearly disputes these money hungry people.  Never in Earth’s history has the Earth’s climate changed so rapidly.  Whenever it did occur due to events like an asteroid impact, there have been mass extinctions.  This is what we also face, which is also pointed out by Al Gore in the sentences “Unknown creatures, Take their leave, unmourned”.  It is not fair for humans to be so selfish that it doesn’t care for wiping out millions of species.
            However humans won’t take actions until it affects them directly.  This is already starting to happen.  As scientists had warned, the arctic ice is melting at an alarming rate, which is leading to sea level rise.  This means, within a few decades, parts of New York City, parts of Florida, India, China, will all be under water.  This year massive amounts of crops were lost due to unprecedented droughts.  July 2012 had the highest temperature in recorded history.  Two years in a row a major city like New York had to come to a complete halt due to hurricanes Irene and Sandy.  Sandy was a freak storm occurring very late in the season, flooding much of the infrastructure of NYC.  The estimated damage in New York alone is $33 billion.  There is both monetary damage and livelihoods destroyed. 
            Therefore it is time to stop holding our planet hostage to the fossil fuel industry.  In the past the

 tobacco industry attempted a similar propaganda by trying to hide the adverse effects of tobacco smoking. 

 The earth is reaching a tipping point, after which the most devastating effects of global warming will occur

.  If action is not taken immediately, we will reach a point of no return.  At the end of the poem Al Gore

 writes, “Here are your tools.”  By investing in clean renewable energy like wind and solar, we can not only

 build a strong economy, but also a habitable planet.  This is our only home, so it is ridiculous to even 

consider putting temporary profit over the existence of human civilization.  It is our duty to the future 

generations to leave behind a planet as habitable as the one our an

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