Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Response to William's and Zozi's Posts

Hey Guys! Today I am responding to William’s Reading Response. In it he responds to the book UNBROKEN by Laura Hillenbrand. William shows a great response to the emotional feelings and hardships that Louis Zamperini. I honestly did NOT read this book but William shows the ability to say what happens in the book perfectly. Although his response is 50% summary his thoughts meld into his writing which is a technique find fascinating. I will make sure to take note of that next time. Now that I am been rambling on his technique……I will talk about the data. I understand how bad Louis feels after all the hardships because I know how it feels when you are THIS close to achieving something but something comes in the way and stops you. In Louis’s case he prepares for the Olympics but it gets canceled due to a war. After the war was over Louis ends up being a alcoholic for not being able achieve that goal. He does see the light in the future of the book. So, I say that I can totally relate to William’s book about being super close to achieve something.
I also responded to Zozi’s Post. Zozi shows great potential on emotions as well. He talks about 3 sisters who go through emotional problems . He writes about sad problems. I focus into this topic_______PROBLEMS! I know that everyone has had problems throughout their lives. Zozi says that he is able to connect with problems at times with the book. I wish I knew what problems they were so maybe I can relate and write a little longer.  Allthough I do know that Zozi’s connection with the book is completely true. Therefore these are the reasons to my responses to my classmates post! Until next time……..

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