Thursday, February 28, 2013

Poetry Slam!

Krishna Roy 812                                                                                                                   
Magical Horses
Body of a horse and the horn in its head
The touch of its horn makes anything gold
BANG! BOOM! For this creature the world has the bread
The unicorn is magical and bold

Wings on its back and fur on its wing
Soars through the sun and prances in the moonlight
As Hercules rides on it, it goes Bling-Bling
Pegasus is the mighty Zeus’s might

Superior of all magical horse
It has both wings and unicorn Horn
Like a hurricane it has very strong force.
If you are wondering its alicorn

Watch My Little Pony you’ll find all three
Let your imagination wander freely

Poem on Bullying
Some children are just not kind
We all don’t share the same state of mind
People who pick on others
Should be nice and treat you like brothers
We should all unite as one
So point away the bully gun
Bullying is not nice or fun
You should be sweet like a honeybun
Saying bad names will put you to shame
Won’t bring any respect or any fame
People are People
Like you and me
That’s the end of this poem
So Goodbye and Peace!

By: Krishna Roy 812

Monday, February 25, 2013

Nonfiction RRE (Genes)

            The article, New tool identifies drug resistant genes, drug targets discusses a new technique designed to find mutations in genes.  Genes are sequences of DNA.  They code for proteins.  Proteins carry out majority of cell functions.  Drugs are designed to target certain genes.  However mutations in the genes can cause a person to become resistant to the drug.  Sometimes scientists just create drugs through trial and error without knowing the exact target of the drug.  Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine came up with a tool called “variomics”.  This not only allows researchers to find the gene target of a drug, but also find mutations in it.  This experiment was carried out in yeast cells and gave very good results.  Now scientists are looking forward to testing it in human cells.
            This article was interesting because it could completely change the use of medicine in this country.  Doctors, I feel, prescribe too many medicines to patients.  I think this is because many drug targets are unknown.  Also many times, the patient ends up being resistant to the drug.  If we know details about genes and the target of drugs, doctors can be more specific about the medicines they prescribe.  The improvement of technology will make life better for all of us.

Work Cited
1. Gutierraz, Graciela. "New Tool Identifies Drug Resistant Genes, Drug Targets." - Baylor College of Medicine. BCM, 20 Sept. 2011. Web. 26 Feb. 2013. <>.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ocean of Blood Post

            In the book The Ocean of Blood by Darren Shan, Larten Crepsley faces a terrible concept that goes on through life. The concept that takes place is something that you can never forget but only destroy. The concept is……guilt! Guilt is a very strong emotion and unfortunately it is something that everyone has been through one time or another. The only way to not be guilty is not to do something guilty.
            Guilt is an emotion that lives on forever and Larten faces this problem because of his childhood. Before Larten Crepsley became a vampire he had murdered a man. In the book Tanish who is one of the Upper Vampires asks Larten “have you ever killed before” and Larten answered looking sad “not before I got blooded”. Larten is definitely not proud of his actions nor regrets his action but he does feel guilt.
            I know I have guilt and stuff that I am not proud of doing and I know you do too. A few days back my tutor was telling me about how she yelled at her sister for clogging the toilet and when she found out it actually wasn’t her fault she felt VERY guilty.
            Therefore Guilt is a terrible thing and it is a concept that is amazingly shown throughout the book. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Response to Naomi's Blog (Perks of Being a Wallflower)

Woah!!!! Great Reading Response! I love how deep you were and how well u were able to respond to the book with such heart and emotion. That Spoiler Alert thing was cool and your focus and lead on the book is very precise and demanding. You are able to relate the book to real life very well. Good Self to text connection and you make the reader feel like the same while reading the book. (Maybe i will read the book now?)

3 Reasons why Plagiarism is Bad!

1. Dont Plagiarize because when you finally finish the response you have nothing to be proud of. All the hard work really isnt your hard work it is somebody else's.
2. Instead of Plagiarizing you should paraphrase and at the end put the cite so you give Credit where credit is DUE!
3. Read books that interest you so you wont be encourages or tempted to plagiarize! REMEMBER MS GALANG KNOWS ALL!!! 0 for plagiarizing!