Thursday, May 16, 2013

Literary Essay R+J (For Real)

“Think before you act”, is an advice worth following.  In the tragedy Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Romeo faces many unwanted consequences as a result of not following it.  This book is about two feuding families and how two lovers resolve the families’ argument and dispute through their own sacrifice. Romeo’s weakness caused the tragedy of the book, because he didn’t choose the right path. If Romeo wasn’t as reckless, the deaths of many could have been prevented and Romeo and Juliet could have been together without any mishaps.
During Act 2, after the Capulet’s masquerade, Romeo acts foolish and sneaks up to Juliet’s balcony even though he knows the consequences if he gets caught. “With love’s light wings did I o'erperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do, that dares love attempt.  Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me.” (2.2.66-69) the quote shows how overwhelmed he became with his love.  So much so that he did not consider the repercussions. The situations between the 2 families are already very delicate, and him getting caught sneaking around could have made the situation a whole lot worse. Instead of taking the risk, he could have dealt with the manner in a more mature way.
On Act 3 Romeo is very temperamental and is driven by revenge.  “Alive in triumph, and Mercutio slain!  Away to heaven, respective lenity, And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now.-…..”  (3.1.126-135) This quote shows the intensity of his anger.  Anger had taken over his thought, clouding his ability to think rationally.  He does not think of the consequences before acting.  Seeking vengeance for his fallen friend Mercutio, he acts hasty. Conquered by evil feelings Romeo steps into battle with Tybalt and ends up slaying him. Since he didn’t think through all the options, the prince (leader) was committed to banish Romeo from Verona.
Once again Romeo acts reckless on Act 5 Scene 3. When learning that his wife has died, Romeo foolishly goes to the Capulet’s burial grounds. “Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavory guide!  Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on- The Dashing rocks thy seasick weary bark!  Here’s to my love.  O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick.  Thus with a kiss I die.”  (5.3.126-131) This quote show the grief that devoured him.  He was once again clouded by emotions and unable to stay patient and think through the situation.  Instead he was too quick to deal with his grief and commit suicide.  If Romeo hadn’t gone and killed himself along with Paris who is also deeply in love with Juliet and waited just a bit longer… Romeo and Juliet could have lived together. They could have led a peaceful and prosperous life.
            I can somewhat relate to Romeo, because there are times that I have been really angry towards my family and friends which I regret later. However I never go as far as Romeo and leave the option to be forgiven which in this case, Romeo can’t. I feel like that it is important to control ones anger, and not make bad decisions especially when you’re pissed off. Sometimes you take actions you can’t take back and might even regret it for the rest of your life….

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